n. An area in which something exists to a lesser or uncertain
degree. A fringe region of half shadow. An outlying surrounding region; a
"Penumbra is VERB’s debut art
exhibition. This show will present a selection of 11 artistsʼ work that
demonstrates the beauty, vitality and contradictions inherent within
transitional states. The exhibition will run from 1 May until 18 May 2014 at
A.P.T Gallery in Deptford, London, and will be followed by a publication. The
public events programme includes tours, artist talks, performances, a panel
discussion and curatorial workshops for children.
The artists exhibiting in
Penumbra are Megan Broadmeadow, Anton Burdakov, Greta
Eacott,Elizabeth Hudson, Anna Hussey, Lydia
Julien, Helen McGhie, Alex McNamee, Clare
Price,Collette Rayner and YuYu. The show will focus
on three strands of liminality: spacial, temporal and transformative. However,
as befits a show centered on the ʻin- betweenʼ and the ambiguous, many works
bridge the divide between these areas. The pieces offer a good way into considering
liminality for those without a background in art theory, as they can be
appreciated on an aesthetic, as well as theoretical, level."
APT Gallery
6 Creekside